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Athletes Impact team members live their mission statement : To develop leaders through community service. The Chambersburg School District homeless student numbers have increased by 63% in a 2017-18. 
The team volunteered to assist their community of students by bagging 86 grocery bags for the students and their families. Cornerstone Financial sponsored the food drive and the team not only bagged the food along side of the staff and donors, they wrote blessing cards for each bag. The girls were amazing and displayed the true meaning of giving back to their fellow students. The willingness to help others is one of the goals evident within the team. 

The coaching staff delivered the 86 bags to the Chambersburg School District Administration office for use within the district for daily needs of the homeless students. Again, an example of going beyond to help others. 
Many challenges face our youths today. Athletes Impact will define the team to be prepared for life. 
Amazing team and coaching staff! 

Thank you for "teaming up" with  Homeless Matters Coalition and Cornerstone Financial.
Jacqueline Wolfe
Vice President of Homeless Matters Coalition 

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