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Our Mission Statement:

To develop leaders through community service, athletic competition, and educational standards.

Our Program:

Athletes Impact, Inc. is designed to engage young athletes on multiple levels, with the ultimate goal of developing their leadership skills and putting them to use.  There are 4 key components of our program:

Community Service

We engage youth in community service projects in order to develop empathy, an understanding of others challenges, and a sense of community.  Too often youth  sidestep the real world challenges that many people face today and fail to accept any ownership or responsibility.  Our young athletes are encouraged to face these real
world challenges with an open mind and open arms.

Leadership Development

We provide leadership training and development opportunities to our young athletes.  It is essential that our youth are developing fundamental leadership skills as they prepare to accept the responsibilities of adulthood.  Our young athletes are taught the importance of justice, sound judgment, integrity, unselfishness,
courage, loyalty, and dependability.

Educational Standards

Education is the foundation for success.  Our young athletes are
taught the importance of being "fully committed" to their education and required to meet our educational standards.  Failure to do so negatively impacts their participation in athletics, just as it will
in high school and college.

Athletic Experience

We utilize athletic competition as an experiential component for personal growth.  There are many experiential learning opportunities in sport such as overcoming challenges, managing failure, goal
achievement, and respecting your competition.  These opportunities for
personal growth are identified by staff to process and optimize each learning opportunity.

© 2020 by Athletes Impact, Inc. Proudly created by CHUNK designs

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